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Allyson Byers

Hidradenitis Suppurativa Disease Community Advocate Allyson ByersAllyson Byers is an HS warrior who has been battling this disease since she was diagnosed at the age of 22. She first shared her story for SELF Magazine and has been writing first-person essays and reported articles about HS ever since. She is passionate about helping others learn how to advocate for themselves to get the best possible care.

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Allyson planned to have a career in broadcast journalism but HS flareups and the stress and unpredictability in the field forced her to rethink career plans. She then moved to LA to pursue a career in entertainment but after having a mental health crisis and experiencing the worst HS flare-ups.

After personally experiencing major depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem due to her HS, Allyson has now decided to become a marriage and family therapist and plans to specialize in working with individuals who have a chronic illness or chronic pain.

Allyson lives in Los Angeles with her rescue dog, Petey. She loves reading, listening to podcasts, and supporting local restaurants and businesses! You can follow her on Instagram.

Click here to read all of Allyson’s articles on