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lost all hope πŸ’” 😒

5 years ago at the age of 36 I became pregnant with my first child I was fine except for the extreme morning sickness I had all throughout the 6 months I noticed some boils on my stomach I didn't think anything of it till they became more painful and more frequent when I went in to give birth to my only child I ended up having to have a c section and the Dr's tested the boils to see what was going on days later while recovering from my c section they tell me I have hidradenitis supprativa and that the hormones from the pregnancy activated a cell in my body well here we are 5 years later and I'm suffering some days I can barely walk it's gotten hard to shower as the showers are much longer now I have been out of work for 5 yrs because of this because how can u stand there for 8 hrs leaking and smelling and the pain level is 15 I've applied for ssd and ssi and I'm currently fighting for it because you can't work with this disease it's hard to do things with my daughter which upsets me more then anyone even understands or can fathom long gone are the days of intimacy as I'm always in a flare up if not one place then another my partner and I been together for 11 years and he has been there for me throughout it all but I miss being intimate with him I don't know what to do anymore and I've lost all hope.

  1. Oh , my heart goes out to you. I can hear how difficult this has been for you, and want to thank you for being so open and honest about all you're going through and how you're feeling. Living with HS can be so challenging, both physically and emotionally, and you are definitely not alone in the struggles that you're having.

    Have you worked with a dermatologist at all to help manage your HS symptoms? Also, if you haven't already, I would really encourage you to reach out to your doctor (or medical professional) about how you've been feeling mentally and emotionally as well. Oftentimes, when living with a chronic condition, the physical symptoms are the main focus and the mental and emotional impact can get overlooked, and yet emotional health is just as important as physical health. I'm sharing a link to an article with more information on the emotional impact of HS, Also, you are not alone in finding intimacy difficult when HS flares. Here's an article from our site about intimacy and HS that you might also be interested in,

    Please know that our community is here for you, and don't hesitate to reach out here anytime. I am hopeful for you that your SSD and SSI get approved!

    Sending you gentle hugs. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

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