FeaturedScarsHello all, I am new here. I was just diagnosed with this but I have been suffering with it since I was 5 or 6, I never had a name...Reactions0reactionsComments5 replies
FeaturedWho is your most supportive person when you are dealing with HS?Do you have at least one person to lean on when you are having a bad symptom day? How do they help get you through the rough times?...Reactions0reactionsComments10 repliesCopingFriends & FamilyIntimacy & Relationships
Active 4 days agoNo Hidradenitis Outbreaks Since Treatment for H. PyloriHi there, I am new here but have been dealing with Hidradenitis since 2014. Over the years I found that histamine producing food like yogurt, almonds, tomatoes, peppers and a...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesDiagnosisTriggersSymptoms
New to siteHi...I've been suffering with this since late teens, I'm now 52. Until recently I didn't even know this was an actual medical condition even though I been to the gp...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesCopingNewly Diagnosed
Crush it BEFORE it really gets started!I've come across a VERY EFFECTIVE COMBINATION! Too bad I didn't learn this before I needed surgery for my severe h.s.: GOTO cream (made in Scotland) and The Goodbye Company's...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesTreatmentTips & AdviceWound Care
What do you think would be the best job for someone who suffers from HS?Hello to all, As someone who has been living with HS for 14 years and counting, thankfully I was still able to maintain employment throughout the years, despite how progressively...Reactions0reactionsComments19 repliesAwarenessWork & Employment
Dr. Teals New "Stress Relief" Body Wash Put My HS Into Remission.Hello everyone, I am writing to share that I’ve discovered a body wash that has helped relieve my HS symptoms and has put my HS into remission for the time...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesTreatment
Exploring our options with HSHello all! First, I'm wishing everyone the best possible day. I know we sometimes have good days or even a part of the day that's good and I want us...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesFlaresResearch & Clinical TrialsCoping
I Cured My Lifelong HSI’m now 53 and have just recently stumbled on HS and started reading it and it was a true revelation.. This was the answer to the biggest mystery of my...Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesDermatologist
FeaturedWhat triggers your HS flares?Certain types of foods, products, stress, hormones, smoking, genetics, alcohol, and a host of other factors can cause HS flares. A place to exchange ideas, tips, and experiences all related...Reactions0reactionsComments37 repliesDiet & NutritionFlaresTriggers
I’ve finally outgrown HSI was 20 years old when I got my first boil. It was a doozy. About as big as 3 golf balls. Went to doctors for about 5+ years- no...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesAwarenessCopingDepression
Hydradenitis Supertiva anyone else get it in the mouthNo I've not got anything home remedy to try and o center it puts nodules down spinal colum and neck it's a whole another level and added on top of...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesDermatologist