How Does Hidradenitis Suppurativa Affect Teens?
Reviewed by: HU Medical Review Board | Last reviewed: December 2020 | Last updated: September 2020
Becoming a teen means growing up, and looking forward to more freedom and new adventures. However, teens living with hidradenitis suppurativa, a painful skin disease, face a number of challenges.
What is HS?
Hidradenitis suppurativa, or HS, is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. HS generally appears after puberty, during or after the teen years.1
The disease begins when clogged hair follicles cause bumps. The process leads to:2
- Abscesses
- Pus
- Inflammation
- Tunnels under the skin
- Scars
Symptoms are worse during flares that happen at different times.3
HS among young people
Even though acne is a common skin disorder among teens, few teens have HS. The condition affects only 15 out of every 100,000 people between the ages of 0 and 17. That is much lower than the rate – 172 out of every 100,000 people – reported for the most common age group of 30 to 39 years old.4
If you are younger than 17 when HS begins, you probably are female and have a:5,6
- Family history of HS
- Hormonal imbalance
- Pilonidal sinus, a small hole or tunnel in the skin at the top of the buttocks, where they divide
- Highly inflammatory form of acne
- Longer duration of HS
- Feeling that your HS is severe
Less than 2 percent of people with HS are younger than 11 years old when the disease begins.7
Getting diagnosed
There is no test to determine if a person has HS. A dermatologist, a doctor specializing in the skin, diagnoses HS by:8,9
- Appearance of the lesions, or sores
- Lesions in the typical locations of the armpit, groin, under the breasts, on the buttocks, and in the anal and genital areas
- Recurrence
- Age of onset of symptoms
- Poor response to antibiotics
- Lack of infection that affects the whole body
Many people with HS see other doctors before going to a dermatologist. That delays diagnosis as much as 7 years, because other doctors may not be not familiar with the disease. HS is not common – doctors believe that only about 4 out of every 100 people in the United States have the condition.4,8
Going to a dermatologist first could speed up the diagnosis. A quicker diagnosis would ensure quicker, more effective treatment, and a reduction in the number of school or workdays lost.8
The goals of HS treatment are to:5
- Reduce pain
- Decrease inflammation and scarring
- Prevent spread of the disease
- Postpone the need for surgery
There is no cure for HS. There is not 1 best treatment that is used by doctors. Instead, treatment depends on the person. It usually includes a combination of several different methods. For teens, treatment may include:2,10
- Local medicines, including topical antibiotics for the surface of the skin or steroid injections, which are directly injected into the lesions
- Systemic medications that work throughout the body, including painkillers, antibiotics, antiandrogens to reduce male hormones, steroids, and tumor necrosis factor alpha blockers (proteins to reduce immune system response and inflammation)
- Surgery for scarring lesions
To help teens better manage their HS, their doctor may:11
- Discuss following directions to take medicines as prescribed
- Screen for other diseases that often occur at the same time as HS
- Recommend ways to change your lifestyle to reduce HS flares
Quality of life
If you are a teen, HS can seriously damage your quality of life. While you are maturing physically and sexually, you are sensitive to what other people think of you. HS makes the normal threats to your self-esteem and body image even worse. The pain, odor, pus, and appearance of HS increase your challenges at school and at work.11
People with HS often have feelings of anxiety, social isolation, and depression. Your doctor can help you find resources to deal with those feelings.12