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No Hidradenitis Outbreaks Since Treatment for H. Pylori

Hi there, I am new here but have been dealing with Hidradenitis since 2014.
Over the years I found that histamine producing food like yogurt, almonds, tomatoes, peppers and a whole bunch of other foods triggered outbreaks. So I just quit eating those things…begrudgingly because I love yogurt with a handful of almonds. I also love tomatoes and peppers, etc.
Additionally, I found that my outbreaks often coincided with my menstrual cycle. So I figured that histamines must also be involved. Turns out your body produces histamines during your period. Another thing I found out was that I had endometriosis and that produces even more histamines. I was constantly having super painful outbreaks every month that would barely be healing before another would start.
My solution that was working for me was to triple my generic Zyrtec antihistamines every day for a week, clean the area with rubbing alcohol, put a tiny bit of Neosporin with pain relief on one of those NexCare bandages to seal up the outbreak area and it would usually go away in a week. It was still painful but not excruciating and not a 3 week ordeal or a trip to a surgeon to cut open the tract.
Well, then I started looking into why I had such an issue with histamines as I really hadn’t any issues previous to 2014. According to everything I was reading, it sounded like I had a histamine intolerance which basically means my body wasn’t producing enough of the Diamine oxidase (DAO) enzymes to control the level of histamines in my system. There are DAO supplements but they are expensive and I couldn’t find any evidence they really worked.
Fast forward to the end of last year when I began to get nauseous and vomit all the time. I went to my doctor who recommended a gastroenterologist. Had my appointment with the gastroenterologist and he said we should start by testing me for H. Pylori. I had never even heard of H. Pylori! It’s a bacteria that basically takes over your gut. And the test is a breath test where you blow into a bag, drink a cup of water with urea in it and then blow into another bag. Before the test you have to refrain from using omeprozole or similar drugs for 10 days and have nothing to eat or drink for about 6 hours before. I took the breath test and 2 days later I got the results that I was positive for H. Pylori.
The treatment is 2 antibiotics, omeprozole and chewable bismuth taken in different combinations first thing in the morning, with breakfast, lunch and dinner and at bedtime while avoiding any alcoholic beverages for 14 days. While doing the treatment, I looked up everything I could find about H. Pylori and found that it is also histamine producing! And, it also suppresses the DAO enzymes that regulate histamine levels in your body!
I finished my treatment on January 2nd but I still needed to take another breath test 4-6 weeks after treatment concluded to see if the treatment worked.
In the interim, I decided to do an experiment. I bought several packages of Chobani Black Cherry yogurt (my favorite) and a couple bags of roasted almonds and decided to eat the yogurt with almonds 2-3 times a day and see how long it would take for my Hidradenitis to flare up. I didn’t think I’d get very far because usually one cup would do it. Well! I’ve eaten probably 20 cups of yogurt with almonds now and I’ve not had even one single outbreak. Not one!!! I haven’t been able to eat that much yogurt for 10 years!
I’m just recovering from a cold right now so I can’t go in for my follow up H. Pylori breath test just yet but I’m guessing that bacteria has been eradicated and, it appears, the Hidradenitis has gone with it.
All this to say that you may want to ask to have an H. Pylori test. I read that most people with H. Pylori never even have any symptoms and I, clearly, didn’t have any for years until recently. Let me know if you have any questions or if you get tested for H. Pylori, I’d be interested in hearing the results.

  1. UPDATE: I retested for H. Pylori last Friday and I found out today that I am negative…meaning I now have confirmation that the H. Pylori has been eliminated from my body after the treatment I finished on January 2, 2025.

    Additionally, I still haven’t had any HS outbreaks! I’ve been happily enjoying all my trigger foods trying to test the limits still. Nothing so far. I will update here periodically.

    Please comment on this thread if you’ve tried testing for H. Pylori.

    1. oh my goodness this is such wonderful news! I am so very happy to hear that the treatment for the H. Pylori cleared it up, AND that you're also still clear from any HS breakouts. We really appreciate you coming here and sharing your experience, and being willing to keep us updated. Can I ask, what kinds of foods did you typically avoid to keep from trigger your HS that you are currently able to enjoy? -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

    2. Yogurt was a big one with a definite outbreak from eating just one container. Also almonds and pistachios. Tomatoes, pineapple, salami and pepperoni. Additionally, not a food but a probiotic supplement I was taking for a while gave me the worst flare up I ever had. There were several tunnels in my groin area at the time that were extremely painful. I only realized later after looking at the ingredients when I started to see a connection to histamines that much of the bacteria in probiotics are histamine producing. I’m thinking I may purchase some probiotics with the same types of bacteria to see if that will trigger the HS. I will keep you posted.

  2. Hi , and welcome! I am so glad that you found our community here, and we really appreciate you sharing your experience. And wow, what an interesting experience you have had!

    First of all, I'm sorry that you understand the pain, challenge, and frustration of HS. It is such a frustrating and challenging disease! But I am so happy for you that you are getting some relief, and even have been able to enjoy some of those foods you thought you'd have to give up for good. I will say, I am intrigued by your experience with H. Pylori and it's treatment and would love a follow up after you're able to be retested.

    I did some googling and did find this interesting case report of a woman being treated for H. Pylori and her HS symptoms decreasing, Of course, there is no causation as of yet, but both her and your experience certainly are interesting and promising.

    I hope any of our community members who have experienced this, or have any experience with H. Pylori as well can chime in here. We really appreciate you joining here and sharing with the rest of the community!

    Wishing you continued relief! -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

    1. Hello! Thank you for your note! I’m hoping to be retested next week and will post my results as soon as I get them. Thanks for sharing the info you found! Gives me hope that it’s not just a fluke. 😀

  3. Wow! What an awesome discovery, ! Have your endometriosis symptoms subsided a bit after getting rid of the H. Pylori bacteria as well? I am thrilled for your and I hope this means no more HS for you ever. Thanks so much for sharing what helped. Would you mind keeping us updated. Wishing you the very best! - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Hi there! Thank you for your note!
      I had a hysterectomy at the end of 2019 and I was hoping back then that it would help reduce my Hidradenitis symptoms and it probably did but it didn’t stop them altogether. It would have been cool to see if the H. Pylori treatment would have helped with that though since that’s another chronic and debilitating health issue. As an aside, I had asked many OB/GYNs over the years if I could have endometriosis due to my extremely painful and heavy periods but they all told me no because I did not have the symptom of painful intercourse. I was actually surprised when I woke up after the hysterectomy to hear the surgeon say that endometriosis was “everywhere” and that they removed as much as they could from my bladder and bowels.

      I will definitely keep everyone updated!

    2. Hi . Sadly gaslighting is common with endometriosis. I hope they were able to remove all the endometrial tissue and that your symptoms don't return. It's good they did surgery when they did before the scar tissue caused adhesions in your organs. That can be debilitating. It would have been interesting to see whether the H. Pylori treatment made a difference, but I'm glad you had surgery when you did. - Lori (Team Member)

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