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Spironolactone, doxycycline (for rosacea),metformin

So my dermo prescribed metformin(I am not diabetic, spironolactone (I've been taking that since Aug 2022 ) and anyway my period is late and I'm for sure not pregnant. Has anyone's period been messed up with any of these ?? Also has the spironolactone or the metformin made anyone feel very off amd dizzy? My doc said stop the spiralactone. It's supposed to help the HS and my rosacea. Just feel defeated. My HS under arm is bleeding too. Sorry of too graphic just feel defeated.

  1. Hi Dolphingirl! I'm not sure if you have been able to have a chat with your dermatologist or pharmacist yet about spironolactone yet besides being totally removed from it, but I currently take it, and know a bit about it. It's kind of an all-around drug; it's a diuretic, but it also interferes with your hormones and definitely will affect your menstrual cycle. Spironolactone can also make you dizzy because of the diuretic aspect. So since you noticed that right away, that's an indication either that you need to be off the medication, or on a different dose. But rest assured that there are so many things that we can try out there for our HS, and we end up being experimenters. Sometimes it takes a few tries to find the right combo for your body. I'm going to attach a list of treatments that is a little more comprehensive, and I'm sure you and your doctor will keep pushing forward. Sending some warrior hugs your way! ~Chelsea (Team Member)

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