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Treatments I have found effective

I thought I would share some insight on what has helped me in the last few months as I have seen a very positive change.

I have had HS for the last 6 years, it was mild for a long time, has flared up a little over the years, the only pharmaceutical treatment I have had was a 3 month course of antibiotics 2 years ago and some topical antibiotic lotion and antiseptic wash I was given last July. I also cut out nightshade vegetables around July last year too and my flare calmed down.

End of 2023 the boils started coming back thick and fast, until late January I had more than I had ever had before (9/10) I get them around my groin so awkward, uncomfortable with sitting and laying down, a lot of pain and frustration. This affected my mental health and it took over my life.

I spoke to a Dr who prescribed antibiotics again, but I didn't want to have to use them unless absolutely necessary.

I firmly believed that due to HS link to inflammation, hormones, gut health etc. That there must be something out of wack or more natural methods to calm down the flares. (Please note I am not a medical professional nor can swear what works for me can work for others) so I started looking at every forum I could, gathering data on natural treatment methods.

Someone mentioned that manuka honey can be soothing with anti microbial and anti inflammation properties. So around late January I started putting these on bandages over my boils, redressing in the morning and before bed and throughout the day if necessary. I also added a few drops of tea tree oil to the honey (also anti inflammatory). I found this brought the boils down quicker and helped them not get worse and soothed them. I would continue to do this approx 5 days after the boil had gone down and no longer felt sore or had healed.

Due to its links with hormones and knowing my hormone levels are a bit off anyway I also went on the combined pill, hoping to settle them (this was about 6 weeks ago).

I also decided to try the elimination diet (I started this about 5 weeks ago) I cut out all the major trigger food groups (gluten, nightshade, Soy, nuts, corn, I'm already vegan but if I hadn't been, dairy too) and anything sweet with sugar. After 3 weeks you then slowly reintroduce these groups one by one to see if you have a reaction. I have now successfully reintroduced Soy and nightshades (and a little sugar) with no worsening of symptoms. I also tried to eat more anti inflammatory foods.

Due to being vegan and suffering heavy periods, about a month ago I did a blood test in case I was anemic. The test came back with a severe vitamin D deficiency and iron anemia. I have been on prescribed supplements for both for the last 3 weeks.

In addition to the above, approx every other day I would have a bath with epsom salts and tea tree oil.

In this time, gradually, the boils have slowed down in appearing. For the first 2 weeks I had a couple come through, but I have only had 1 new one appear in the last week (and its tiny and not bothersome at all, practically gone). The ones that were there have gone down and effectively disappeared. Unfortunately there is a little scarring, but no longer painful or inflamed, just a slight darkening of the skin. A recurrent one that hasn't properly healed in months has now healed.

I have also a week ago started using glycolic acid once a day over the area, as it can reduce the bacteria on the skin which can contribute to the boils.

Today is the first day in maybe 6 weeks I don't have any bandages on. I'm no longer in pain and I can have sex again (thank the heavens) I cannot say what it is that has helped, but something, whether an individual thing or a combination, has significantly calmed down the flare. This is the least it has been in I would say well over 18 months. I still have yet to introduce some foods so who knows what could happen there (I'm praying it's not gluten) but part of me feels like the deficiencies in vitamins may have had an effect.

I cant guarantee what has helped, but over this time I have not taken any other medications to combat the condition. I never picked up the antibiotics. I still use the antiseptic wash but this is more to avoid infection and clean the area rather than treat the problem.

This may not help or work for everyone, but I would absolutely encourage more natural methods, looking at food and vitamin deficiencies and attack it. I am not bashing modern medicine, but there is little to no risk trying methods like the above and in my experience has been well worth doing.

Sorry for the essay, I just didn't want to miss anything. Sending all my love and strength to you all, this is a hideous disease none of us deserve. But even in the darkest moments hope can still shine xx

  1. It sounds like you've been through a challenging journey with HS, but your perseverance and exploration of natural methods have brought you significant relief. Your story of trying different approaches and finding what works for you is inspiring and could offer hope to others facing similar struggles.

    1. Wow, , thank you so much for sharing your experience and all that you've done to help manage your HS! You really have done so much research and work into figuring out what might help your symptoms. I applaud your hard work and dedication. As you said, what works for you might not work for the next person, but it can still be helpful to hear people's experiences and successes! I am so happy for you that you are getting positive results from all your hard work.

      A lot of our community members have had some success finding their personal triggers and using more alternative therapies also. You might appreciate hearing from some of our advocates about their known triggers,, as well as this article with some of alternative therapies,

      Of course, not everyone has the same successes, which is why it's so great that we do have modern medicine as well. It can be a Both/And. How wonderful that everyone can do what they feel comfortable with and what works best for them!

      Again, I really appreciate you sharing your "essay" (no apology necessary!). It is always so great to hear people's success stories and I am so very happy for you that you're getting such relief. Please, if you're comfortable, keep us posted. Sending you gentle hugs! -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

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