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Get to the root of hs

For the first time is 8 years I am lesion free. My hs disease state was related to ingesting certain foods.

I purchased a food sensitivity kit online (Everlywell) that helped me identify irritating foods. Wheat products and cows milk among other foods had to be completely eliminated from my diet. My hs went from moderate to mild. From there I discovered other irritating foods undetected by the sensitivity test. For instance, I had to substitute Parboiled Rice for Jasmine rice. Because Parboiled Rice would instantaneously cause an hs lesion.

It is obvious to me that there is a digestive component to hs.

My next discussion will disclose how I went from mild to having no lesions.

  1. Food Sensitivity Comprehensive Test by Everlywell

    1. Also considering EveryWell testing—which one did you purchase?

      1. Everlywell food sensitivity comprehensive test

      2. thanks so much for the response! I hope you were able to see this comment. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

    2. Hey - I'm so glad this worked for you and that you are lesion free! If you feel comfortable, feel free to use the Share Your Story feature ( in our community to share your next discussion about reducing your lesions. -Rachel

      1. Everlywell food sensitivity comprehensive test

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