Hi Im 42, married with 2 girls, I 1st felt a bump under my armpit and went to the doctor. I was told it was HS because of other bumps on my bikini area. After 3 months of cutting sugar, cutting carbs, avoiding heat as much as you can in florida, antibiotics, soaps, tumeric, honey, jelly, figuring out how to deal with pain, trying to minimize stress (not working at all) I am exhausted. Have more than 30 lesion in each arm, almost the same between the legs and the butt area. Under my breast. My neck even my scalp itches. I feel my body is dying on me and dermatologist just recommended google for solutions to help with symptoms. Aside from the discomfort, the pain, how it affects al aspects of life the itch I feel you loose a bit of yourself. I would like to know how you coupe well with this. Dont get me wrong, i know what pain is, i ve had 5 miscarriages, suffer from allergy breakouts all my life but this, specially the continuity factor, the no cure status its draining me. Any help to manage this better its appreciated. I just dont seem to think clearly anymore, I just want to be in the shower or putting baby ointment all over.