Hi , your fears and concerns are so understandable and valid, and one that a lot of our community members can relate to and have also had. It's hard to be vulnerable and open up to someone, especially with something they might not fully understand. We really appreciate your openness and vulnerability here that you've shared by bringing this up.
You might be interested in this article on our site about HS and intimacy, https://hsdisease.com/intimacy as well as this article about talking with your friends about HS, https://hsdisease.com/living/telling-friends. The article itself is not necessarily talking about a relationship wants to be physical in, but it still has some information about how to talk with someone about HS which you might find helpful.
Please know that you are not alone! This community is here to support you, so don't hesitate to reach out.
Sending you gentle hugs. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)