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Hydradenitis Supertiva anyone else get it in the mouth

No I've not got anything home remedy to try and o center it puts nodules down spinal colum and neck it's a whole another level and added on top of kind of pain. I swell up joints ache and could barely move ar one point couple days ago and my dr doesn't seem like it's to big of a issue till I showed up in there office unexpectedly today crying begging for help

  1. I got in tomorrow idk for what the don't do pain meds maybe to see if it's as bad as I say idk

    1. I do hope that your appointment tomorrow goes well. I'm really crossing my fingers that they can get you some treatment that brings you some relief! Even if they don't do pain medication, there must be ways for them to help you get some relief. You don't deserve to be living in so much pain! Please, if you're comfortable, keep us posted and let us know how you're doing and how it goes tomorrow. Sending you gentle hugs. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

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