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If you had been diagnosed earlier, what would change?

Dear community, I would like to understand the impact of an early diagnosis of MS on the lives of people living day to day with this medical condition.

Is the early diagnosis of MS something you consider essential?
In your case, do you consider that your diagnosis timing was Okay...should it have been earlier?


I am a medical innovator and designer and I am about to devote much of my time, effort and energy to finding alternatives and solutions for early diagnosis of MS, and I want to understand from your voice the relevance of this topic.

  1. Hello, Leo. There might be some confusion regarding the disease you are asking about. You have posted your question in a forum for the skin condition hidradenitis suppurativa, but the acronym you are asking about is for multiple sclerosis. Are you seeking info for multiple sclerosis? ~Chelsea (Team Member)

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