I’m on a long holiday, supposed to be having the time of my life- just arrived in New Zealand today and am having such a bad groin flare up that I don’t have the capacity to leave my Airbnb. I’m laying in bed in tears at 2am wallowing in self pity but also in such pain. How do you handle trying to take advantage of being abroad, lots of adventuring and activity, and managing the pain of a terrible flare up? It’s so distracting it feels like I can’t even be present in what should be the most wonderful experiences of my life thus far.
Mostly just venting here bc I’ve dealt with this for 15+ years and know the remedies to help treat a flare up- but I’m just so bummed and bogged down by it. It’s so unfair. Ugh.
Going to try to be positive in the morning- I sure hope it starts to go down by then.