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Unsolicited Advice

No matter how well-intentioned, unsolicited advice is the worst. What is the WORST advice you've been given about managing your HS?

  1. “Just drink some more water because that will flush out the infection “ 😑

    1. The worst is when people think it's acne and start listing off products you know would probably give you sepsis if applied to the type of wounds we experience on a daily.

      1. i definitely agree

    2. "Have you tried yoga?"
      First off, yes I have. Secondly, bending this way and that way with flares in my groin is NOT a fun time.

      1. seriously with the yoga suggestion? 😒😑

      2. exactly, I do yoga on the days I feel good but on the days I flare I can barely move and have no desire to.

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