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What do you want to read about that the articles haven't discussed yet? What topics would you like to see discussed?

  1. id Love to read about why my legs hurt so bad. I had 9 veins between both legs burned-gone. But they hurt worse now. Especially since I had Covid it’s allot worse.
    Also a topic I’d love to discuss is Covid and hair loss. Thank you

    1. Hi Rochelle! As HS patients we do often have other diseases as well. Unfortunately, the possibility of other diseases is endless - too many variations and severity to count. As per our community rules, we would like to stay on topic with hidradenitis suppurativa. Do you have other topics centered around living with HS that you would like to see discussed? For me, I know maintaining friendships can be tough, especially if friends don't understand how much pain is involved with HS. What do you think are some common HS topics? ~Chelsea (Team Member)

  2. Veins in leg problems

    1. You know, in one of the Facebook groups that I'm a part of there was a trans man and a trans woman, separately, speaking about their experiences having HS while going through hormone therapy. These are the complexities that come with HS that I myself don't think about but am curious about. I would love to see something from a patient who is comfortable talking about their experience.

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