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You all realize it's Autoimmune

Fat may contribute but doesn't cause. The pores aren't actually clogging from the outside. Your immune system is telling your white blood cells to attack your own skin. Until words like "oder" and "obese" are removed from the info available we will all continue to get treated like gross dirty fatties. And up to 7 years for a diagnosis? I'm 39 ans just got diagnosed. After Hashitmottos (autoimmune thyroid disease) and Ankylosing Spondylitis (relative of rheumatoid arthritis). I've had symptoms since puberty. So try 20+ years misdiagnosed and fat shamed by my doctors into not going in for the boils for over 10 years. Until a beautiful angel of a dermatologist told me my other doctors were WRONG and I didn't have to live this way. Anyone else with a story like mine? Or read the description of the condition on a website supposedly here to support us and still felt like having HS was a personality flaw. Say something....respond to this with something witty and clever or just say "I have HS and I don't have to feel ashamed " say "sorry, I'm too fat for the box you keep shoving me into, so I'm making my own box." Did you know this condition also actually causes muscle and joint pain that can mimic RA? did you know your actual skin is inflamed? It's why it's always warmer to the touch, it's your immune system with the issue not your skin or hair follicles or sweat glands. It's not even real infection in the boils unless you get a secondary bacterial infection. It's just a collection of white cells your immune system sent to fight an invisible army. Did you notice the ads on here to pay for the site? Look for the real truth about HS. I did.

  1. After 25 years of HS I developed the suspicion it was a fungal or yeast infection, not bacterial. Or a community infection with a fungi or yeast along with other microbes. I've been trying over the counter Fluconazole (Canesten) for the flare ups the past two years with very good results. When the doctors can't fix something they fall back on a "blame the patient" diagnosis, all the usual saws, diet, sugar, smoking, obesity, exercise, yada yada yada..... The successful meds and products I'm seeing other sufferers use here all have some kind of anti-fungal properties, tea tree oil, turmeric, Oxy 5, skin whiteners.... Look it up. I'm pretty sure I've found a very effective treatment and maybe cure for my HS.

    1. that's great! I'm so happy to hear that you've found something that's been helping your symptoms of HS. There definitely are others here who have had similar results with similar products -- of course what works for one person won't necessary work for the next, but it's always good to hear from people who are getting relief! That's one of the things I love about the community here is that they share their successes with each other. Thanks for joining the conversation here. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

  2. I was diagnosed with Lupus around the same time as I had my first boil. So yes autoimmune disease for sure

    1. Thank you for sharing your story and using your experience to help others advocate for their health. You may not have seen our community rules, but we do not allow the exchange of contact information on our site (Activity cannot contain any personal contact information such as an e-mail address, physical/mailing address or phone number.) Here is the link to our community rules: Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

      1. Hello. I'm new to this forum. I have had issues in my groin area for many years. The first diagnosis I had was back in College. I was a lifeguard and when a swollen area turned up, I was told it was a swollen lymph node caused by my tight bathing suit. Nothing was done, and it eventually went forward 25 and on I would get a lump in the same spot. It would drain, figured it was the same lymph node and went about my merry little way.

        A few months ago, I had a routine wax. My esthetician noticed another small bump in the groin area. Just ignored it. A few weeks go by, it becomes very large. At my annual GYN appointment, I mentioned it. Right off the bat, she said it was definitely HS, and said to reach out to a dermatologist. A few weeks later, I had my first dermatology appoint. After her medical students poked and prod me, she came in and took 2 seconds and said..."Its not HS. Typical sebaceous cyst. She wanted $600 with insurance coverage to excise it. I refused. I just know she is wrong. All signs and symptoms suggest it is definitely HS.

        I do have an autoimmune system disease. Microscopic Colitis. White blood cells are attacking my colon. Your statements about inflammation also hit a chord with me. The last few years, joint pain seems to continue to move around. It goes from my shoulder to my hip, to my knee, to my back, then my elbows. Once one pain subsides, another one shows up in another joint. FYI, I have tested positive for RA each and every time!

        1. Yeah definitely find a different dermatologist. I have had to fire so many doctors over the years and diagnosed myself. And I don't just mean like I have a weird thing and go know medwiki or whatever. But I real research and you can Find it. Unfortunately like auto immune stuff is complicated and it gets more complicated the more you have. But if you have one auto immune disorder you will continue to get them it is just what happens it's like cancer. So continue firing him and going until you get a diagnosis that will help you get treated for what you have. It sucks it takes a lot of work. But if you're like me and refuse to give up on the rest of your wife. There are doctors Out there that care and actually want you to get better and not just pump money back into their pocket. I'm glad that this post got to somebody I was writing it with the intent that if it reached one person and inspired them to continue seeking the help that they deserve and need that it was worth writing. I used to think that it was pointless to share what I knew with others because usually people don't listen and don't care what I have to say if it doesn't fit There view of the world. I am really happy actually that I read this just now because knowing that I reached you and it struck a chord made a pretty s***** day better. Thank you for posting. And I would love to know how your story continues. I don't have time right now but I will repost and offer an email that you and I could exchange if you would like to continue sharing information we have about this stuff.

        2. I believe by what you said that you most definitely have HS
          I’m so sorry to say that but it sounds really allot like what I went through.

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