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Hidradenitis Suppurativa Lesions and Biofilms

I'm going to include this article from the NIH; the abstract does a fairly good job of outlining why biofilms may be a real concern in trying to treat HS lesions. Basically, the bacteria form this gooey biofilm as a way to ward off any attackers, like topical antibacterial soaps and solutions, as well as antibiotics and corticosteroids. So though we may have certain things to use that make us feel better for the short term, they don't clear up the lesions long term because of these biofilms that form in the lesions and sinus tracts. Are you aware of this issue as a patient? The quote from the abstract that stands out to me in this particular article says, "HS should be considered in the expanding spectrum of bacterial biofilm-based disorders."

  1. thank you so much for shading this!! 💜

    1. Thank you for reading!

  2. What a fascinating article you've found- thanks for sharing! This is new information for me and I'm so excited to learn more!

    1. - I think it's going to be really important information. One other treatment was effective, but it's no longer available - Resorcinol. I used to have it mixed at 15% in a cream base through a compounding pharmacy, and it's my understanding that it also penetrated and killed the biofilm at that concentration. But it's no longer allowed in the U.S. market as of 2019.

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