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Talking to friends about HS

I have been realising recently that I tend to downplay my symptoms to my friends & family as I don’t like letting them down when I cancel plans? Anyone else do this? Or any tips on how to tackle this?! I’d love to hear your thoughts!

  1. i also definately do it

    1. Hey, 💜 Do you have any tips for talking with your friends? Or an experience you had when your friend was super supportive (or not) after sharing with them the complexities of living with HS. We'd love to learn more. Big hugs!

  2. I DEFINITELY do it. I have gotten better about it but it is still difficult. Honestly, I think practice and time has helped me get better. I started off by canceling plans and saying "I don't feel good" and then I started telling people that when I vaguely say "I don't feel good" usually that means my HS is bad. Which led to me starting to be more upfront and saying "my HS is bad" when I have to cancel. Some friends ask for more follow up questions and that has helped me start to open up to them more. It also shows me who I can trust with my HS experience and work to be more honest with. It is still a journey for me too!

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